When your multi-vitamin isn't enough ...
Sometimes life throws you a curve or two. That's why so many of us take multi vitamins. We eat poorly, don't get enough exercise, work too hard and don't play enough.
Multis are good insurance for every day stress.
But what happens when you have specific health challenges?
A multi vitamin is still good to have as part of your over all wellness routine, but it can't solve particular health challenges like:
High Cholesterol
Joint Pain
Bone Health
Thyroid Imbalance
They simply weren't designed to. So what can you do?
When your body is asking for more support, it's time to listen and respond!
One of the first areas in your body that ask for help is digestion.
There's nothing worse than constipation. It just makes you feel lousy.
Erratic eating habits, not enough sleep, and lots of stress can easily throw off your digestion.
An excellent antidote to this very human condition is a good quality daily probiotic. (Read our post on probiotics.)
But if you still need help, there's nothing better than organic flax seed!
Where To Buy Organic Flax Seed
It's surprisingly easy to buy organic flax seed these days. You can get it at Kroger, Martin's or any health food store. Then buy a cheap coffee grinder.
Dump in a couple of tablespoons of the seed, cover and grind. Store the flax meal in the refrigerator. Use 1-2 teaspoons in the morning on cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, applesauce, or on a salad.
Grind the seed fresh twice each week. You don't want to buy ground flax seed because it can go rancid quickly.
This cheap solution for constipation will help to keep your digestive system humming along quite nicely! Plus you'll add some beneficial omega-3 into your diet, because flax is a natural food high in omega-3.
What To Do For Joint Pain and Cholesterol
If you want to improve good cholesterol and decrease joint aches and pain, turn to Krill oil. Studies have shown a 30% reduction in pain with the addition of krill oil.
Krill for cholesterol is showing promise as well. More studies are popping up to show its increased effectiveness.
For example, at the McGill University in Canada, a study with 120 people who consumed 1-3 grams of krill oil each day reduced LDL, or bad cholesterol, by 34%. It boosted HDL, or good cholesterol, by 43.5%. As a comparison, consuming fish oil saw only a reduction of 4.6% of LDL and a 4.2 % increase in HDL.
These anti-inflammatory benefits that show up in clinical trials occur because krill not only provides a great source of omega-3, but also contains a potent anti-inflammatory called astaxanthin.