Turmeric: Scientifically Proven Effective for High Cholesterol

For thousands of years, turmeric has been respected as the spice of life. And now science backs up those very valuable assertions!
A member of the ginger family, turmeric is an essential ingredient in curry, used in Asian and Indian cuisine. It's color has been used as a food additive, and as a dye.
But it's the medicinal qualities that have elevated this hardworking spice to that of royalty.
Turmeric has over 175 ways that it positively affects your body by acting as:
An antioxidant
A neuro-protectant
An anti-inflammatory
An endocrine modulator
An anti-cancer agent
A natural antibiotic
In fact, hundreds of studies have proven turmeric's ability to prevent and cure over 600 different diseases and illnesses.
As of this writing, there are 4,282 peer-reviewed studies on turmeric in PubMed! It's one of the most heavily researched herbs today.
The Wonder Player in Nature's Pharmacy

What is it about turmeric that makes it such a star-studded herb? It's the bio-active compound, curcumin, found in the plant.
With over 150 potentially therapeutic health activities, curcumin is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier.
It has been shown to reduce inflammation, as with both osteo and rheumatoid arthritis.
According to mercola.com... "A highly bioavailable form of curcumin was more effective in alleviating rheumatoid arthritis (RA) symptoms than the NSAID drug Voltaren."
That's impressive and promising!
Curcumin is also the phytochemical that's responsible for lowering bad cholesterol.
Turmeric Studies and Its Effect on Cholesterol
For cholesterol, the scientific evidence is definitely in! In 2004, the Journal Atherosclerosis reported on studies that proved turmeric reduces the oxidation and circulation of oxidized LDL cholesterol. (It is a powerful antioxidant after all!)
That means it lowered the bad cholesterol levels.
In 2008, a more comprehensive study was conducted by French researchers with the results published in the Journal of Molecular Nutrition & Food Research in 2012.
This study proved that mice fed a curcumin-enhanced diet experienced 26% fewer fatty artery deposits, and their gene expression changed.
In South Korea, mice predisposed to heart disease were fed a high cholesterol diet supplemented with either:
Lovastatin, a cholesterol-lowering drug
A placebo
After 18 weeks, the researchers found that curcumin performed just like Lovastatin, lowering LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing the good cholesterol, HDL.
Curcumin or Turmeric: Which Should You Take?
For anyone suffering from high cholesterol, this is welcomed news!
But you may be
wondering, "Why not just take curcumin?"
Certainly, curcumin was the focus of these studies.
Here at Jewell's Naturals, we take the approach that Dr. Andrew Weil takes regarding turmeric.
We believe whole plants are usually a better choice than isolates.
According to Dr. Weil, an internationally respected wellness physician, "This reflects my general belief that, until proven otherwise in head to head studies, whole plants are usually a better choice than isolates."
However, he does say, for specific conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, curcumin appears to have a more rapid effect. So as a therapeutic choice, rather than a preventative, curcumin may be the more appropriate choice.
Turmeric Extract with Curcumin

Encapsulations' turmeric extract with curcumin.
The curcumin with Curcumin C3 Complex® is a great choice for most people. Lisa has seen excellent results in the reduction of inflammation.
In fact, this product is so effective it has been the subject of scientific investigations at a number of universities and hospitals.
If, however, your body needs a stronger assist, Curcumin 500 with Bioperine® is the go-to choice.
It contains a black pepper extract with the alkaloid piperine, which research shows can enhance curcumin's bioavailability, while increasing its absorption.
This stronger dosage is reserved for those with more complicated medical issues.
We're excited that this potent and powerful herb has been scientifically recognized to perform just as well as its drug counterparts.
Think of what that can mean for millions of people suffering from arthritis, high cholesterol, heart disease, and digestive issues!
To learn more about our products and services, stop by and see us! Or, visit us on the web: www.jewellsnaturals.com.
For us, good health goes way beyond the product label!
