The Trouble with Sunscreen
Who isn't confused about sunscreen? Some experts say not to use it at all. Stay in the sun unprotected for 20 minutes to get the vitamin...

Laundry Detergents: The Real Dirt
Discover the truth about conventional laundry detergents. Learn about the power of natural laundry detergents to get your laundry clean with

Artificial Sweeteners: Migraines and Weight Gain
Is their a link between artificial sweeteners and migraines? This article explores the link between migraines and weight gain with artificia

Aluminum-Free Natural Deodorants
Do Aluminum-Free Deodorants Protect You from Cancer? For decades, the controversy has raged over aluminum in deodorants. Do they cause...

Nail Polishes and Nail Strengtheners
Are Your Nail Strengtheners and Polishes Hard on Your Nails? I couldn’t help but notice her nails. Mine are weak and soft, so naturally I...

No Dishpan Hands
If you’re old enough to remember Madge, the nail technician on TV commercials, then you’ll remember Palmolive dishwashing liquid. She had...

The Holy Grail of Green Beauty Skincare
So, it happened again. I washed my face until every trace of dirt, grime and makeup was gone. I slathered on my vitamin C and amino acid...

Green Makeup or Greenwashing?
Conventional makeup touts a lot of benefits. But are they really true? Here's the lowdown on the difference between green makeup and mai

Why Not All Probiotics Are Created Equal
Not all probiotics are created equal. Here's how to find the right probiotic for you.

Life's Sweeter with Honey Part 2: Recipes
6 recipes that use honey for the body, allergies, and as part of a healthy diet.